Movement 3 of Symphony #1 "H2O".
Falling from the sky to nourish the Earth, rain is truly a gift from the heavens; sometimes softly caressing us as it drifts downwards, and other times pounding us with immense weight and almost destructive force. Too much or too little rain can result in violent flooding or crippling drought. Here in Australia, we have a land of stark contrast when we consider rainfall. On the coastal fringes and in our tropical North, we enjoy huge amounts of rain, and yet, in our red centre which comprises vast deserts, rainfall can occur less than once a year.
Rain is measured, discussed, predicted, and sometimes cursed. The most precious thing about it is the way it brings new life to the land and signals new beginnings.
I grew up as a child in the tropical North of Australia and have fond childhood memories of the smell of approaching rain, the sound of heavy monsoonal rain on the roof of our house, and the relieving cool of the air after the storm. These memories are precious, and I have tried to capture my love of rain in all its beauty in the soundscape of this movement.
Duration 7 min
Instrumentation: Picc, Fl 1 2, Ob 1 2, Cor Ang, Bsn 1 2, CBsn, Cl 1 2 3, Bs Cl, A Sx 1 2, T Sx, B Sx, F Hn 1 2 3 4, Tpt 1 2 3, Tbn 1 2, B Tbn, Euph, Tba, Dbl Bs, Tymp, BD, Tt, Cym, Glock, Mar, Vib, Crot, Piano (opt.), Pipe Organ (opt.)